Sunday, January 8, 2012

Government Scams - Part 3

25% Reduction in Basic Salaries of Government Officials

Now we know we only have air heads ruling us. How did we get to this?  They would only reduce their bacis salaries. What about their allowances?

Normal salary earners have their basic and allowances taxed. They have not agreed to tax it, but to reduce it. So what is the current tax rate on basic salaries for those who earn as much as N3m/month? It's is 25%. So they are only playing on words. Pure semantics.

I propose they take a 75% pay cut. Not only in their basic salaries but in their allowances as well. This is what the inflation caused by actions will do to the populace. It will largely diminish the spending power of the masses. While allowing the government to largess on the overflow generated.

A govenment of failed promises and failed policies.

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