Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Does Your Woman Masturbate (Part 2)

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this. I appreciate all who called to share their views. 

Let us proceed through the garden and pick a few more popular reasons

The next would be


A stirring of the senses or the mind may cause a woman’s hand to fiddle around and within the cave ever so often. Could be watching Romantic movies, chatting with a guy that tickles her fancy (even if they have had no previous meeting), waching mojo (which a great majority of women lie they don’t enjoy watching), reading M&B, watching or hearing the neighbours having sex (voyeurism) or a recent or distant memory of a steamy love affair or a great one night stand or even a quickie. An excited woman may choose to satisfy her innate sexual desires immediately.


Some women begin to masturbate because they feel that they are too fat, too skinny, too ugly, too pretty, or generally unsexy to be wanted by any man. So they resort to pleasuring themselves instead of approaching a guy they fancy for help.

Outright Horny

Some women become so excited for the smallest reasons or simply thjink about sex so often, that they feel the need to constantly let their hands complete the job(s) initiated by their minds. The kind of woman who knows how to get herself off and does so whenever she feels like configuring and reconfiguring the server.

Follow me on twitter @tonyobj

Please give your feedback, comments and suggestions.
Thank you.

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