Friday, December 20, 2013

40 Mistakes Men Make During Sex

Hello all, for the next couple of days we shall consider educating the male folks on some mistakes they make during sex. 40 so far but feel free to add more as you read along.

Here are a few of them

1. Not Kissing First

Avoiding her lips and going straight for the honey pot makes her feel like you are quite adept at patronizing "pay as you go" women, thus trying to get your money's worth by cutting out all the non-essentials. A proper passionate kiss is the proper form of foreplay.

2. Blowing too hard in her ear

Admit it, I guess some kid told you about this. But there is a huge difference between being erotic and blowing like you are trying to extinguish the candles on your 60th birthday cake. That f^#king hurts.

3. Not Shaving
You often forget you have a porcupine strapped under your chin, which you tend to graze her face and other body parts with (depending on where your head is at that point in time). When she moves her face from side to side it's not always because you are hitting the right spot. Sometimes its avoidance.

4. Squeezing her breast
Most men act like a house wife testing a melon for ripeness when they get their hands on a pair. Proper handling procedure is to stroke, caress and smooth them.

5. Biting her nipples
Why do men fasten onto a woman's nipple, then clamp down like they are trying to deflate her body through her breasts? This is sheer malice and wickedness!!! Nipples are highly sensitive and cannot withstand being chewed. Lick and suck them gently. Flicking your tongue across them is good. But pretending that you are a dog and those boobs are dog biscuits, isn't.

Tomorrow we shall continue with some more mistakes.

Follow me on twitter @tonyobj

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