Saturday, August 9, 2014

The Ebola Conspiracy

These are my thoughts on this topic and strictly restricted to my THOUGHTS but subject to debate. Ask questions where you feel you should.

US citizens (Doctors without Borders) have been infected and flown back to the Us for treatment. Respectably enough, they are getting better and stronger. At least one of them. Hmmm, so this treatment has been available since God knows when. Yet, lives of Africans and their professional care givers (doctors, nurses and lower cadre staff who clean up after them) have been put at risk when this CURE is only recently clearly available. After Ebola has claimed about 1000 African lives (on record).

GEJ has been totally silent on this issue. Guess it's not among his priority since all policy makers are still busy gathering money for the forthcoming 2015 Nigerian elections. The less Nigerian to vote the better for them. I guess......

We know the American government have been trying for many many years to gain free unstricted access to Nigerian oil. In as much as I would never eat bats or monkeys (willingly/consciously), we also know that they have been advocating for animal rights of bush meat. How come after the failed US-Boko Haram intervention in Nigeria, suddenly, Ebola strikes again in west Africa after how many years? Do we question their rights to eat steak and other fleshy flavours they enjoy?

Most of all, why put more innocent lives at risk? Care givers most especially who are put in the direct line of fire. In Africa, the best they can do is manage the situation and not cure it. Why send a soldier to war without necessary firepower and possible backup?

In West Africa, we need well trained doctors, nurses and technicians to treat and assist cure as many Ebola infected patients as they  can. We also need proper public enlightenment on ways to prevent this epidermic besides social media.

In  reality, Ebola is around us, it is within us and with us. I personally implore the the necessary global health authorities and agencies to come to our rescue. We understand that the developers of this cure are concerned about their financial gains as ROI on the tremendous efforts they put in into developing a possible cure, we also understand that they might not be in the best terms with the government of one or more west African countries. However, do not spoil a beautiful ass with a loud, irritating, ugly fart. I also implore our government to push politics aside and seek the necessary assistance from the international communities or they themselves, their families and possible voters might not survive the Ebola epidermic.

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